
Scaled Agile Framework

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a set of principles, practices, and competencies for scaling Agile methodologies to large enterprises. It provides a framework for organizing and coordinating the work of multiple Agile teams and aligning their efforts with the larger goals of the organization.


Implementing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) requires a comprehensive approach that involves several steps. Here is a general outline of the steps involved in implementing SAFe:


Continuous Improvement: SAFe is a continuous improvement framework, so it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate the implementation. This can include regular retrospectives, tracking key metrics, and making adjustments to the SAFe implementation as needed.


What is value stream?

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“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a value stream, you don’t know what you’re doing.”


A Value Stream is simply the sequence of all of the activities that an organization takes to deliver on a customer need — and all of the people, systems, and resources required to do those activities.

The term Value Stream originated in the Lean manufacturing movement to describe and optimize how material and information flows. Customers may be external or internal, and are whoever receives the value created by the Value Stream. The concept of Value Streams is foundational to the Project to Product movement and SAFe, as well as essential to any Agile and DevOps transformation. So how is this seemingly simple concept different from a traditional approach to business process and organization? Most organizations today are not organized around the flow of value and are instead organized into functional silos, each working on different slices of value in an asynchronous fashion. The way work is delivered may be known and documented, but the organization isn’t aligned to it or focused on optimizing that value flow.

Value Stream Management (VSM) transforms the organization by moving beyond siloed, isolated departments and temporal project teams, to high-performing Agile and DevOps teams and teams-of-teams, working together, minimizing hand-offs and dependencies, and focused on relentless improvement across the organization.

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